General Registration

Please submit this form by Wednesday, December 13, 2023 to attend MARC2024 on Jan 23-24, 2024!


Some things to keep in mind:

  • All students attending MARC are required to submit an abstract.
  • There is an option to attend both QuARC and MARC. Those who wish to attend both conferences must register for both. Register for MARC below and for QuARC here:
  • Registrants also attending QuARC must attend the conference on Tues Jan 23, and only have the option of participating in winter activities on Mon Jan 22 (sign up for these through QuARC.)
  • Registrants also attending QuARC must travel to the Omni on Mon Jan 22 (sign up for the provided shuttle bus through QuARC.)


Please note that you must login to register.

  • Attendees with an MIT email address will be able to login via MIT Touchstone (certificates).
  • Attendees without MIT login credentials (e.g. MIG Members, MAP Members, Industry Guests, Visiting Scientists, etc.) may access the registration form with MTL login credentials. Participants without MTL login credentials are invited to create an MTL Web account.

In addition, students must have an approved submitted resume in this site. If you are logged in and still receive this message, make sure you have submitted a resume.

Please reach out to our IT Staff via, if you have any questions regarding account access.