A special symposium on the occasion of the retirement of Prof. Dimitri Antoniadis, April 27, 2018 April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium The Physics of Artificial Intelligence Dr. Dario Gil, IBM Research April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium Welcome Remarks Martin A. Schmidt, MIT April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium Closing Remarks Dimitri Antoniadis, MIT April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium Photonics and its Integration with CMOS Dr. Jason S. Orcutt, IBM Research Lab April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium Multi-Chip Technologies Dr. Lisa Su, President & CEO Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium The Future of Transistor Integration H.-S. Philip Wong, Stanford University April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium GaN and Other Extreme Materials Prof. Tomás Palacios, MIT April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium The Dawn of the Quantum Information Era, Prof. Dirk Englund, MIT Dirk Englund, MIT April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium Panel Discussion Chaired by Dr. Mark Rodder, includes Dr. Ghavam Shahidi, IBM, and all other invited speakers April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium Integration via the 3rd Dimension Paolo Gargini, IEEE, Chairman IRDS
April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium The Physics of Artificial Intelligence Dr. Dario Gil, IBM Research
April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium Photonics and its Integration with CMOS Dr. Jason S. Orcutt, IBM Research Lab
April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium Multi-Chip Technologies Dr. Lisa Su, President & CEO Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium The Future of Transistor Integration H.-S. Philip Wong, Stanford University
April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium GaN and Other Extreme Materials Prof. Tomás Palacios, MIT
April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium The Dawn of the Quantum Information Era, Prof. Dirk Englund, MIT Dirk Englund, MIT
April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium Panel Discussion Chaired by Dr. Mark Rodder, includes Dr. Ghavam Shahidi, IBM, and all other invited speakers
April 27, 2018 The Future of Nanoscale Electronics Symposium Integration via the 3rd Dimension Paolo Gargini, IEEE, Chairman IRDS